Green Thai Kratom [Imported From Thailand ]


We all have heard of Kratom (Ketum) Originating from Thailand! Now with Thailand passing the Narcotics Act (No. 8) B.E. 2564 (In 2021) We are now able to get A hold of true Ketum (Kratom) From South Thailand. Unlike Indonesia the market is still small from Thailand so Thailand kratom can be alittle more Costly.

With only 1 Strain Available rite now “Green Thai” we are excited to offer true Thai kratom. We are now pulling Kratom from Thailand,Indonesia & Africa (Rifat).

Available In 3 Sizes: 50 grams,125 grams & 250 grams.

Did You Know:
Kratom is called Thom,E-Thang,Ketum,Kratum-Koke and Maeng Da Leaf In Thailand.

Additional information


50 grams, 125 grams, 250 grams


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